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3 mins

3 Ways to Be a Better Youth Pastor

There are many areas in which youth pastors could use some major improvement. I don’t mean this as a knock against the whole of youth ministry, but that personally and individually, we all know where we are weakest. (Bonus tip: If you don’t know where you are weakest, you can be a better youth pastor by figuring out your strengths and weaknesses.)…

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3 mins

Understanding What You’re Worth

A major tension in most marriages is finances. Add an often overworked and underpaid youth worker to the mix and money can become a real source of friction in relationships. Ask most youth workers about recruiting new volunteers, ministry vision or time with teens and they will talk your ear off with excitement and passion.…

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3 mins

Mentoring: A Response

I will never forget the day, it was a few years ago and I was meeting my former Sunday School teacher for lunch. The cool thing was that after almost 15 years from being in his class we were still friends and we still get together for lunch from time to time.…

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1 min

A Mentoring Strategy

Heading into the Christmas season is a great time for reflection and evaluation. Certainly some of that energy needs to be focused on your ministry, but don’t forget to make sure your mentoring relationships are in order, too. Here is one simple strategy to consider: Look Forward – Who Is Leading You?…

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8 mins

Sometimes I Just Want to Do Bad Youth Ministry

Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in Group Magazine–the world’s most-read youth ministry resource. For more information, visit and get these great articles delivered right to your mailbox or iPad! Most days, I’m tempted to do bad youth ministry. You know what I mean—throw in a Veggie Tales DVD and call it a “Back to the Basics” week.…

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2 mins

FAQ/Rebuilding Your Team: A Response

The first article addressed the frequently asked question about tips for maintaining your ministry for the long run when just starting out. The article addressed the need to have a team of friends to do ministry with, and when you see them as your friends you feel encouraged and as though you are not alone in the journey.…

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